Props are optional, but helpful.

Props enhance the yin practice by offering support for the body, thereby allowing the muscles to fully relax.

If you don’t own a bolster, you can use a couch pillow or low back cushion. Even a rolled towel can do the trick.

If you want to substitute a belt or towel for a strap, it will work perfectly well.

A blanket for savasana is nice, but not mandatory. A rolled up towel is great to support knees.

You can add any specialty you like at home. Eye pillows for Savasana are nice, special scent or candles can be used, but if you choose to just lie on your living room carpet and skip the props, that work too. You’ll still enjoy the practice.

Books for yogis

Sign up to receive emails about upcoming book group discussions:
We meet by Zoom and in person

No books planned yet for 2024, but suggest one!

Past Books: Breath, by James Nestor
A fabulous book which shares research, history and stories about breath and it’s major role in our health. It offers proven solutions for lowering blood pressure, boosting athletic performance and balancing our nervous system. The author offers examples of using breath to reverse severe scoliosis, PTSD and emphysema. Several people from our book discussion successfully implemented changes to eliminate snoring and mouth breathing; to expand the jaw and to gain better focus. All claimed success. ADD THIS TO YOUR MUST READ LIST.

BOOKS we read in 2021/22:
• The Book of Joy – Dalai Lama & Archbishop Desmond Tutu by Douglas Abrams
• Hidden Life of Trees, by Peter Wohlleben
• Waking up White, by Debby Irving
• I’ll Push You, by Justin Skeesuck and Patrick Gray
• The Overstory, by Richard Powers34

Annual Yoga Retreats are A perfect compliment to a regular yoga practice.

Refresh your yoga practice with an annual yoga retreat. It’s an ideal way to dive deeper into the yoga world and take care of your heart and soul. Our retreats have been offered in the fall and spring. They include yin-style classes, gentle yoga flow; Yoga Nidra; healthy, delicious meals; access to outdoor activities; wonderful people and a whole lot of time and space to reset, enjoy and laugh. Onsite massages, canoeing, evening fires and often available and sometimes a workshop too. These retreats have been great ways for friends and sisters to get together and experience a weekend of feeling wonderful. They’re offered semi-locally and are just a weekend so they’re easily accessible.  If you’re interested in receiving information about upcoming retreats, email me and I’ll put you on the list:

Prices vary depending on room size/occupancy and location of event, but are very reasonable.

River Bend Farm on Saco River, Maine
Welcome to Riverbend Farm an ecologically sustainable retreat center with meals produced on this land.
Kayaks included
Yoga Classes in a Yurt